DAs Online - Development Applications



Masterview software (referred to in these terms and conditions as DAs Online) Copyright © 2017 Civica Pty Limited with a non-exclusive licence to Gympie Regional Council. Except for the purpose expressly stated below and for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), reproduction, publication, communication to the public, adaptation, selling, re-transmission, reframing, linking, commercial or other use (whether for compensation of any kind or not) of documents, content or information made available using DAs Online by whatever means is prohibited unless the written consent of the Copyright owner is obtained. DAs Online users are expressly permitted to reproduce the contents of the DAs Online website in their web browser (and in any cache file produced by their web browser) for the sole purpose of their personal non-commercial viewing of the content and printing of documentation.



The information provided by DAs Online is made available as a general reference source only. DAs Online is not intended to be used, and must not be used, for formal purposes such as for the purposes of property transactions or settlements. Access to documents and information for formal purposes must be obtained through Council's formal document search procedures, not through DAs Online.For further information on Property Searches, please refer to Council's website at www.gympie.qld.gov.au/searches.

Council makes no representations and gives no warranties (express or implied) about the information (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, quality, merchantability, fitness or suitability) for any purpose nor that access to and use of this website or system is free from computer viruses or other infections or contaminations. No liability is accepted by the Council (including without limitation, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential, special or indirect damages) relating to access to, use of, or reliance upon the information obtained using DAs Online.

The information provided on this web site is to assist customers in tracking progress of the Development Applications. It represents key milestones in the Development Application process but is not a detailed history. However, purchasing decisions should not rely on the information contained on this web site. Persons wishing to confirm information in detail should contact Council via either email, or in writing in order to obtain a written response.

For development applications received prior to 3 July 2017, only the decision notice and approved plans, where relevant, will be made available.

Development Applications relating to the former Shires of Kilkivan and Tiaro (Division 3), prior to their amalgamation into Gympie Regional Council on 15 March 2008, are not displayed.

Note: Applications for Building Work or Plumbing and Drainage Work are not included.

There is no online lodgement service provided by this facility.


Information privacy

DAs Online may record some information about each access to DAs Online (for example, the lP address of the computer from which DAs Online is accessed, the date and time of access, and the pages, documents or information accessed). This information is used for statistical and site development purposes.

Except for information specifically provided by users, the Council does not collect any other personal information during use of DAs Online. Any personal information specifically provided will not be disclosed to third parties except with the consent of the subject user, or where required by law.

The Council takes steps to maintain the currency and accuracy of the personal information it holds. If users require access to any personal information about them that may held by the Council, or if users have any other questions about information privacy, email Council.

For further information on Council's Privacy Statement and Information Privacy Policy refer to Council's website at www.gympie.qld.gov.au/privacy-statement.


Right to grant or refuse access

Access to the Planning and Development Online system is at the discretion of Council. Council reserves the right to refuse to allow access to any part of the Planning and Development Online system without prior notice, and without the need to give any reason for doing so.


System Requirements

The DAs Online tool has been tested and certified to function correctly in all modern browsers. Some functionality, e.g. mapping, viewing of documents, may require additional software to be installed. Council is not in a position to provide software compatibility support.

If you do not have Microsoft Office or are using an Apple Mac and are unable to open MSG files, please use a viewer such as MsgViewer or Mail Viewer Ipad users search the app store for MSG viewers such as Klammer.


I have read and understood the provisions set out above.